Ready Mix Concrete Advantages & Limitations

Ready mix concrete is a tailor-made concrete which improves durability and sustainability. Instead of purchasing the raw materials by individuals and experimenting every time with handling and proportioning, it would be far better idea to entrust all these activities to some expert supplier who is having a professional acumen.

Advantages of Ready Mixed Concrete:
  • Quality assured concrete:- Concrete is produced under controlled conditions using consistent quality of raw material.
  • High speed of construction- Speed of construction can be vary fast in case RMC is used.
  • Reduction in cement consumption by 10 – 12 % due to better handling and proper mixing. Further reduction is possible if mineral admixtures or cementitious materials are used.
  • Versatility in uses and methods of placing: The mix design of the concrete can be tailor made to suit the placing methods of the contractor.
  • Since ready mixed concrete (RMC) uses bulk cement instead of bagged cement, dust pollution will be reduced and cement will be saved.
  • Conservation of energy and resources because of saving of cement.
  • Environment pollution is reduced due to less production of cement.
  • With better durability of structure, their overall service life increase and there is saving in life-cycle cost.
  • Eliminating or minimizing human error and reduction in dependency on labour.
  • Timely deliveries in large as well as small pours.
  • No need for space for storing the materials like coarse and fine aggregate, cement, water and admixtures.
  • No delay due to site based batching plant erection/ dismantling; no equipment to hire; no depreciation of costs.
  • Reduced noise and air pollution; less consumption of petrol and diesel and less time loss to business.
Limitations of Ready Mix Concrete:

As the Ready Mixed Concrete is not available for placement immediately after preparation of concrete mix, loss of workability occurs. In addition, there are chances of setting of concrete if transit time involved is more. Therefore, generally admixture like plasticisers/ super plasticisers and retarders are used. Addition of retarders may delay the setting time substantially which may cause placement problems. In addition, it may also affect the strength of concrete. Therefore, it is necessary that the admixtures i.e. plasticisers and super plasticisers/ retarders used in Ready Mixed Concrete are properly tested for their suitability with the concrete. In case loss of strength is observed, the characteristic strength may have to be enhanced so that after loss of strength, required characteristic strength is available.

Because of large quantity of concrete available in short span, special placing and form work arrangement are required to be made in advance.